Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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We're following where our Leaders lead - I'm going wherever they're going! But it's sometimes nice to have some clues or a roadmap along the way. Best solution - I'm reading whatever they're reading!

This isn't everything from their bookshelf, but here's a list of just some of the sources that Harvest Leadership is currently studying.

Most of these books are available at our Celebrate! Bookstore. If you don't see one of them there, please check with Miss Laura for ordering information.

Do you want an anointing on your life? Don't miss the moment. The moment could be now.
The Anointing
 In The Anointing, Benny Hinn shows those of you who hunger for the precious anointing on your life how to prepare for it and the marvelous effects God's touch will have on your life.
The Anointing picks up where the international bestseller Good Morning, Holy Spirit leaves off - leading you to a vital, life-changing experience with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and introducing you to the power of God so you can act in that power.

Hinn outlines the seven keys to realizing the anointing in your life:
  • Meeting and knowing Jesus as a person
  • Understanding the Bible
  • Being open to personal revelation
  • Accepting Jesus as the sacrifice for your failings, inadequacies, and sins
  • Preparing for persecution
  • Giving yourself totally to God
  • Praying with boldness
As a result of following the principles in The Anointing, you will begin to feel God's presence in a way you never dreamed possible. You will sense God walking with and near you and will be able to speak, witness, and live each day in God's loving power.

A revolutionary return to the revelation of the cross.

Prophetic Encounter with the CrossWhat will turn a defeated believer into an overcomer? What will revolutionize a lukewarm congregation into a fiery, Kingdom authority center? What will break up the impotent foundations of the cross set in place by human wisdom and lay the power base of Jesus Christ crucified, buried, and risen?

Prophetic encounters with the cross – like those experienced by the men and women at Pentecost and by the early apostles – are God’s gift today to transform believers into the image of Christ and to move the church into her glorious 21st century destiny.

Discover that the entire Bible is an invitation from God into prophetic encounter with Christ’s death and resurrection. Receive faith through the extraordinary stories of everyday believers who are experiencing the power of the cross. Follow the scriptural steps and activations and have your own Holy Spirit-led encounters!

Church UnusualChurch Unusual lifts the perspectives and paradigms of pastors and Christian leaders to see the Church beyond its natural elements and environment. Church is the avenue and vehicle for the Kingdom of God manifesting here on earth as it is in heaven. This heavenly life, nature and atmosphere must be experienced within Church. This certain place will become an Awesome place.

When that happens God can dwell in and manifest His power and glory through His Church to rule over all His enemies. The pledge the Father gave to his Begotten Son will become a total reality.

Psalm 110.1-2 - The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet." The LORD will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying, "Rule in the midst of Your enemies." (NASB)

Behold the Lamb! Behold the Bride of the Lamb!
Prophetic Scriptures Yet to Be FulfilledDr Bill Hamon's Prophetic Scriptures Yet to Be Fulfilled reveals the times and purposes of God for His Church and for planet Earth.

The Church has now entered a new era of Christianity - the Third Reformation. God fulfilled specific purposes in the First and Second Reformation, likewise a major purpose of His will be fulfilled in this age.

Explained and predicted:
First Reformation: 4 B.C. - A.D. 313
Second Reformation: 1517 - 2007
Third Reformation: 2008 - Revelation 11:15

You will learn about the fascinating transformation to the seven mountains of culture and how eery nation will become either a sheep or a goat nation. In the end, the restoration of all things spoken of by the apostles and prophets will release Jesus to return and set up His domain over all the earth.
How the Christian community - driven by grace, unified in love, and activated by prayer - can bring revival and change the world.
When the Many Are One
We all want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We all want to live in communities that are healthy and safe. In When the Many Are One, Francis Frangipane demonstrates how Christians of every color, culture, and denomination can work together to transform our communities.

Our best efforts will not stop the flood of problems in our cities if we remain isolated from each other. In a season when external forces are causing disunity and division, Francis Frangipane calls us back to oneness with Christ, and through Him oneness with other Christians. With the character and power of Christ in our midst, the Church can again bring transformation to our communities, our nation, and our world.


The Alliance of Honorable Men is Dr Jonathan David's latest book - released in 2010.

The Alliance of Honorable MenIt is a book destined to inspire a people movement! This move of the Holy Spirit will consolidate the church, refresh the workforce and strengthen the mandates of the leadership. These life-changing principles are laden with the synergistic force to propel the Church to finish her God-given assignment on the earth. We  can destroy the strategy of Satan to divide and conquer by being covenanted together as partners in destiny. We can enhance the 'strength of 10,000' to finish God's will and purposes for our generation. The Alliance of Honorable Men is the key to a healthy growing church. It is the alternative to the collapsing society of men.

The Alliance of Honorable Men will position your church to live according to John 17 and fulfill the purpose of prayer of Jesus - "Behold those whom the Lord has honored!"

Here's just a few of the chapters:
    Welcome to the Church Unusual
    The Purpose of the Church
    Church in All Her Fullness
    People Connectivity
    The Power of Covenant
    The Purpose of Covenant
    The Alliance, A Strategic Collaboration
    The Alliance of Fathers and Sons
    Generational Transition Into Legacy


Bill Johnson wrote When Heaven Invades Earth - A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles.

When Heaven Invades EarthIt is truly possible for human people to walk in the divine, and Christ came to show us the way. It is by rediscovering our true identity in Him that we can begin to move into the promises of God regarding the miraculous. Bill Johnson not only teaches the supernatural, he imparts it by changing the way we think. If you are not walking in the miraculous, you're living far below your birthright! By laying a carefully constructed biblical foundation for walking in the supernatural power of God, When Heaven Invades Earth provides all the equipment you need to experience miracles every day.

What difference can one person make?
The Power of One Christlike Life
Apathy. Cynicism. Judgment. Resignation.

Believers are angry that the world is not Christian, yet untroubled they themselves are not Christlike. Yet, there is a heavenly response to the darkened conditions in our world: God calls us to attain and reveal the powerful life of Christ.

What does the manifest life of Christ look like? How does it act or think? Francis Frangipane has a living word concerning the power of a transformed life. His insights into the heart of God and what the Father desires are liberating and thirst-quenching for every believer seeking to truly know God and make Him known.

Twelve brief biographies of outstanding Christians, including John Wesley, William Booth, and George Muller, provide real-life examples of the ability of a godly intercessor to impact the world for Christ.

As you seek God's mercy for others, you will find His mercy for yourself and be transformed in the process. Discover the power waiting to be released by one Christlike life.

This 2008 book by Dr David is a MUST READ. The Finishing Generation of breakthrough believers are rising across the horizon. There is a new breed without greed, a radical opposition to corruption emerging in every nation on the earth. This remnant of the holy seed have chosen to make a difference in the world, winning by righteousness.

This book is written to prophesy their presence and help clarify their stature in the Spirit. This finishing generation will inspire the spirits of men as ur hope of reaching the earth with the gospel of the Kingdom is bound in them. Discover your part in this history making move of the Spirit.

"There is a generation rising on the earth today that is causing the cloud of witnesses in the heavens to rejoice..."

"The prophetic fulfillment of many of God's promises will earth itself in this generation..."

There is only ONE LIFE that will bring the Body to unity and maturity.

One LifeThe Body of Christ is being awakened. Carriers of God’s Life are coming together and being fashioned for action. The Life of God will position us for unity and fruitfulness, bringing His Body and its members to maturity in Christ.

What is to be our role in God’s passionate pursuit for this to happen? How can you and I prepare and cooperate and how do we overcome the present effects of differences and divisions that exist among us?

This book is an invitation to discover for yourself how real the Body of Christ is and how it is intended to live in the fullness of true unity. The time is at hand for the Corporate Church to arise in Stature and victory. Are you ready to be a part of this?
Prayer PatternPrayer Pattern was written to encourage, equip, and empower the Believer to come into the full knowledge of who they are in Christ.

With this knowledge, the Believer can victoriously overcome personal, family, health, and financial circumstances. For those dealing with challenging or long-standing situations, this book is A MUST READ.

Prayer Pattern is a God-given strategy that helped our family break through a 30 year issue. Now, we are walking in the victory that Christ secured for us over 2000 years ago.

Be encouraged, help is on the way!

Unto Full Stature is an amazingly gripping book dealing with Christian growth and maturity from a God-centered perspective. This book is progressive in nature, and eminently practical. Anyone who yearns for greater spiritual maturity will find this book to be a fountain of blessing, enlightenment, and challenge.

Unto Full StatureBeginning with the need to gain a God-given perspective and vision, the author proceeds to show that full stature is not something we should postpone until some unknown future, but something that we should be enjoying now. He then proceeds to show that this maturity and growth can only be achieved in co-operation with and in vital union with Christ. Finally, he shows clearly that full stature is not just something for the individual, but for Christ's corporate body in its entirety. Indeed, the author maintains, full stature cannot be fully attained except as one realizes, accepts, and takes his position as a fully functioning member of that corporate body.

Many diagrams and illustrations are used throughout the book to methodically present a step by step approach, through eight levels of spiritual maturity. He expresses hidden reasons why the child of God flounders in vision, lacks spiritual perspective, misunderstands his calling and purpose, disregards the important place of the will, and abuses his body as he zealously lives at exhaustion point.

A few chapter titles will give some idea of the burden and emphasis of this classic volume on spiritual maturity:
"An Awakened Sense of Divine Destiny"
"Four Steps in Liberating the Will"
"The Master Design in the Universe"
"Learning to Cooperate with the Holy Spirit"
"Self-introspection or His Unveiling"
"Occupied with Other Things - Missing Him"

Harold Eberle's Who Is God? asks: What is God doing? Who am I? Why is there suffering and evil? and other key questions that we need to understand.

Who Is God?Harold writes "After years of teaching and preaching to thousands of Christians, I came to a startling conclusion: I had embraced a distorted view of God - one profoundly influenced by our cultural biases. I (and all of the Christians with whom I was associating) believed we had a clear picture of the God who has been revealed in the Bible; however, we unknowingly had looked at God through the Western worldview, which has its roots in Greek and Roman thought.

"Since then, I have discovered that most North American and European Christians hold tightly to a distorted view, and this is robbing them from knowing God more deeply and living as His children."

The Marvelous ExchangeDid We Miss Something at the Cross?

Every Christian has asked it: how do we live the Christian life? How do we overcome the power of sin that still dwells within us and experience the freedom that is our in Christ? Those questions have plagued believers for the last two thousand years. Is there an answer for the seeking heart?

Yes! proclaims Dick Flaten, who both taught and lived God's answer - one Paul lays out most clearly in his letter to the Romans. In this exposition of Paul's key passage, Romans 6.1-14, Dick presents the key to triumphant Christian living: knowing and counting on what God has already accomplished at the cross of Christ, where God resurrected us as new creations in Christ. Through this marvelous exchange we have an entirely new identity, are fully accepted by God, and have been united with Christ, whom we can depend upon to live His miraculous life through us.

This book will help all Christians, especially those who have been believers for many years and have felt demoralized by their continual failings to follow God's desires for their lives. As Christians begin to discover, through Dick's words, that they really can be emancipated from the power of indwelling sin, they will find a peace in their lives that they have never had.
Any time the Spirit of God's kingdom is truly manifested in the earth, it will ultimately confront the strongholds of hell. Indeed, wherever evil spirits have either a foothold or a stronghold, you can expect that the overcoming church will be engaged in warfare, and expect also that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church that Jesus builds.
The Three Battlegrounds
This book explores the three arenas of spiritual warfare which the maturing Christian will face; the mind, the church, and the heavenly places. It provides a foundation of insight, wisdom and discernment on the nature of the battle and the keys to victory.

Here are some quotes from the book: "Victory begins with the name of Jesus on our lips. It is consummated by the nature of Jesus in our hearts," "There are satanic strongholds over countries and communities, and there are strongholds which influence churches and individuals. Wherever a stronghold exists, it is a demonically induced pattern of thinking. Specifically, it is a 'house made of thoughts' which has become a dwelling place for satanic activity." "Is your love growing and becoming softer, brighter, more daring, and more visible? Or is it becoming more discriminating, more calculating, less vulnerable, and less available? This is a very important issue, for your Christianity is only as real as your love is. A measurable decrease in your ability to love is evidence that a stronghold of cold love is developing within you." "There is a war, a very ancient war, between the spirit of Elijah and the spirit of Jezebel. In this age-old battle, Elijah represents the interests of heaven: the call to repentance and the return to God. Jezebel, on the other hand, represents that unique principality whose purpose is to hinder and defeat the work of repentance."
How Should Christians Vote?It is one of our favorite questions - is God a Republican or a Democrat?

"Many, if not most, Christians begin with the wrong question of who they should vote for rather than the more important question of how they should vote. Asking the correct question is fundamental to knowing how to arrive at the correct answer."

Scriptural principles exist for both our personal and our political quandaries. We should be willing to dig deep to find them and move beyond voting based on tradition or mere preferences. Dr Tony Evans takes on foundational questions of a Christian approach to politics.
  • What does the Bible say about the role and responsibilities of government?
  • How can we be salt and light amidst political disappointments?
  • Should we submit to candidates we didn't vote for?
  • What if we don't know who to choose, or worse - what if there is no good choice?
Evans won't pressure you to check this box or that, but he will equip you with solid biblical principles that will challenge you to vote with a "kingdom perspective" - informed, compassionate, and aware of who is really in charge.
Understanding Your Place in God's KingdomFind your true purpose for existence!

Discover the Creator's divine motivation, design, and mandate for His creation and your role in that creation. After reading Understanding Your Place in God's Kingdom, you will be equipped with the knowledge to answer some of the questions addressing the heart cries of humanity in our search for a better world. Is there hope for mankind?

This book will address that concern as well as:
  • Reintroduce the concepts, principles, and nature of true authentic kingdoms as presented by the Creator
  • Show the superior and advantageous nature of the Kingdom as compared to any religion, political ideology, government system, or social program
  • Explore and understand the precepts and principles of "the Kingdom"

The secret to a full and fulfilled life is discovery, understanding, and application of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. God's desire for you is that you enter the Kingdom life now and experience, explore, apply, practice, and enjoy living with the benefits, promises, and privileges of Heaven on earth. Let the adventure begin!
Holiness, Truth, and the Presence of GodTrue holiness does not come from following rules... it comes from following Christ.

In Holiness, Truth, and the Presence of God, Francis Frangipane takes you on a journey toward true holiness that leads you into the presence of God. It is a path full of life and death, perils and blessings. It is a path upon which you will be challenged, empowered, and provoked. But you will not be disappointed.

Like the teachings of Jesus, this book strikes hard at pride and self-righteousness. The author's warm, compassionate style draws you in and helps you to recognize how desperately we all need to be more like Christ. Discover the keys to...
     A more intimate relationship with God
     A deeper, more meaningful walk in your faith
     Your hope in Christ rekindled afresh

What could be more important than finding God? Find God and determine to live the rest of your life in pursuit of His glory. You will dwell in the presence of God. And you will be holy, for He is holy.

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