Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Suzi Armstrong

Prayer is a strong part of what we do at Harvest Christian Church. We believe that God has given us the mandate and the authority to pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be done in every realm of life. We have layers of prayer that engage the presence of God. We establish a prayer cover over the Family of Harvest, pray for the sick & those in need, pray for the Leadership of Harvest & every ministry. Our prayers are prophetic and declaritive in the Name of Jesus and have a strong breakthrough anointing.

Glory to God! We have many testimonies of answered prayer - those who have been healed, received new jobs, doors of opportunity opened, the favor of God, relationships impacted in positive ways, clarity in direction and more. 

There are a number of Ministry Teams gathered under the HCC Prayer Ministry Group. Suzi Armstrong oversees all of the Prayer Ministries. If you are interested in learning more or getting involved, please see Suzi or the Contact Persons listed for each of the Teams.


Altar Prayer Team

Contact Person: Suzi Armstrong

Purpose: This Team responds to the direction of Apostles Bob or Linda (or a designated minister) to release personal ministry during services. This ministry can be in the area of a specific anointing or prayer of agreement in the area of needs.

  • Every ministry Team consists of two individuals (at Harvest we are strong in team ministry).
  • This is the Team that responds by coming to the altar area of the sanctuary when Apostle Bob calls for the Ministry Team (sometimes he calls us the Prayer Team) to come forward.
  • This Team ministers in accordance with the explicit directions of our Apostles. Sometimes they are asked to minister in a specific area such as healing or impartation of a specific anointing of God. At other times this Team ministers to the felt needs of those coming to receive prayer.
  • Participation on the Altar Prayer Team requires finishing a personal ministry course, an interview process and being a Covenant Partner of Harvest Christian Church. Do not be daunted by the requirements for this Team, we will help you meet those requirements.
  • Many testimonies glorifying God for physical healings and personal breakthrough for this Team.

FirstFruits Watch

Contact Person: Suzi Armstrong

Purpose: This Team has a regional focus, meeting for the purpose of God moving in the City of Detroit and in the surrounding region.

  • The Team meets every Tuesday, in the HCC sanctuary from 10am to Noon. It is possible to attend only a portion of this meeting if that is all your schedule allows. Some people on the Team are available to come on Tuesday on a regular basis, others attend only a few Tuesdays a year. Basically the Team consists of who is there that particular Tuesday.
  • The premise of this Team is the firstfruit principle found in the Bible as demonstrated when the Israelites entered into the Promised Land. Jericho was a FirstFruit city - meaning the whole of Jericho was devoted to the Lord, the people did not touch the spoils of Jericho. Our FirstFruits Watch is devoted to the Lord.
  • During this time we worship, declare scriptures that speak of the nature and character of our God and respond with prophetic acts as led by Holy Spirit. We do this standing on behalf of the City of Detroit and the region.
  • There is a very strong presence of God at this Watch. Also there is a great deal of freedom in the area of expressing worship and the prophetic. This Watch is more experiential. Children are welcome.

e-mail Prayer Team

Contact Person: Dolly Tapper

Purpose: Pray for areas of need for the people at Harvest.

  • This Team operates via e-mail; therefore, it is vital to own a computer and check your e-mail on a daily basis to be part of this Team.
  • Prayer requests are e-mailed to Dolly who then sends them out to the e-mail Prayer Team for intercession.
  • For example: this Team is the one that prays for breakthrough in areas of jobs, selling houses, financial requests; they also pray for those in the hospital or battling sickness; they pray for whatever circumstances in your life that you are looking for the power of the prayer of agreement (one puts a thousand to flight and two puts 10,000 to flight).
  • This Team has great favor before the throne of God - many, many answered prayers!
  • If you have prayer requests let us know by:
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